It's here. An exclusive community of people who want to become next level photographers.

It entails:

·      Direct and exclusive Q&A with us. Wondering what gear you should buy? How to make Lightroom your bi-atch? Ask us directly, and we’ll answer.

·     Photo Critiques. Selecting and critiquing photos from members of The Lab, the critiques are the best way to learn what you’re doing wrong and what you can do to fix it.

·      Exclusive content. Live hangouts. Bonus tutorials. Behind-the-Scenes commentary. Full disclosure: We want bring you as much valuable information as we can, because if you succeed, we succeed.

·      A place to network with other photographers (share tips and inquiries). We get so many paid gigs from networking like this and we want you to be able to get the same.

·      Member spotlight. Submit your work for a chance to be featured at the end of each of our Monday YouTube tutorials to give your work more exposure.

·      Photo challenges. Challenges help you unlock creativity.  They also give you a motivational boost and the chance to win some sweet prizes every month.